UPDATE 2007.11.09
It would seem as though WordPress makes you pay to edit their blogs' code, so I'm here and just cutting and pasting my only two posts.
Today, 2007.11.08, I've decided to finally start blogging. I'm not telling anybody about it yet. The formatting, design, and concept are all generic, undeveloped, and horrible. Hopefully I'll have time to change them soon. I recognize this first entry (including this self-conscious disclaimer) is cliche, but it feels necessary. The reason for this post is that in my hopes to start reaching for a keyboard instead of a steno pad when I want to write, there's a certain uncomfortable barrier that feels like a "fake it till you make it" disciplined blogging routine is necessary. I imagine I'm not alone in that sentiment, hence the cliche "ummm I don't know what to write! this is my blog!" entries in the beginning.
What I hope to get to: media theory, linguistics, transhumanism, cyborgs, hacker culture, cyberpunk, academics, prosthetics, memetics, propaganda, information, Wikipedia.......